Saturday, October 27, 2007

Everybody Hora !!

This weekend is my 2nd cousin, Nicole Cohen's Bat Mitzvah. I didn't take a camera, but I did snap a few priceless pics with my blackberry.

This is my 91 year old grandmother, Meme, dancing to We Are Family.

Here's my mom looking psychotic doing the YMCA. I guess it's standard practice now to pass out silly plastic hats at Bat Mitzvah's.

Jack, Jody, and Mark watch the festivities.

I haven't been to a Bat Mitzvah since my sister's in 1979 and let me tell you;
Things have changed drastically.

I've heard urban legends about Bar and Bat Mitzvah's in NYC and Los Angeles costing $100k up to a million dollars. Luckily my cousin Jerry has more sense than to go overboard. Nicole's Bat Mitzvah was lovely and she was very poised and confident. Mark and I were very impressed.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

????? 20 YEARS ??????

(Trent Boarnet)
This weekend was my 20th high school reunion. On Friday night there was a tailgate party and then we went to the football game. I had a surprisingly good time. My best guy friend from high school (John Trolligner) was there so that made it even better. Previously we had decided we were not going to the Saturday night dinner thing, but when I heard my best girly friends were in town, I couldn't resist.
We had a really nice time. Mark finally got to put some faces with the names he's been hearing about for all these years. Overall, we had a great time.

This is Alan Matney and his wife with us. We grew up together in New Braunfels.

This was my group in highschool. Tracy Floriani, Me, Jodi Sparks (Lowther) and Jason Conners. We were the people your mother warned you about.

Me with Susan Boise. We have known each other forever because in Home Room, and then in Advisory Class, we always sat next to each other. Suzanna Bock was also there but we didn't get a picture together. I sat next to these 2 ladies for my entire childhood.

Here is John Trollinger with Jeanie T. I call her Jeannie T because I'm not sure how to spell her last name.

Here is Jodi with Leigh Ann. I hope I spelled your name right.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy October

Hello World. It's time for another long awaited post.

I had my first closing about a week and a half ago. Yay Me! I finally got a pay check. I have my first listing on the market right now and I hope to have more soon.

We decided that having one car for two grown adults was not working out, SO, we bought a new used car. We got a 2001 Mitsubishi Montero Sport. It's in excellent shape and our mechanic ok'd it, so we bought it. Here's a picture... Imagine this car, only dark blue, and without mountains behind it. Other than that, it's identical.

This weekend is my 20th highschool reunion. Mark and I are going to a tailgate party and then to the football game tomorrow night.

We also have the Blessing Of The Animals this Sunday at the temple. We always love that. We'll have pictures to show you soon.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Bat Mitzvah in a few weeks.