Friday, January 5, 2007

A Happy Day

Good news: Mark is feeling much better. He went back to work part of a day on thursday and all day today. He's still laying on the heating pad when he's home and trying to rest up, but he's recovering very nicely.

We are supposed to see a play tomorrow at the San Pedro Playhouse but Mark's not sure how his back will do if he sits in that kind of chair for hours on end, so I think we're going to try to change them to next weekend. It is a play called I Am My Own Wife. It's about a German transvestite who lived in Nazi Germany and under the communist regime in East Germany. As strange as the story sounds, it's supposed to be really good. We'll let you know.....

Speaking of entertainment, on Christmas Day we saw Dreamgirls. I was pleasantly surprised that it lived up to all the hype. Usually movies that get that much promotion disappoint me but this one was great. I recommend it.

I bought a dart board today and hung it in the office. Back in my drinkin' days I always enjoyed a good game of darts and for some reason today I felt like getting my own board. To my surprise I'm still pretty darn good. Anytime any of you come over, you're challenged to a game.

The Spurs are playing right now and we're kicking butt. I'm going to watch the game now.

I hope to get some comments from you all..


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about Mark! I know this sounds crazy coming from the son of a surgeion.... I threw my back out earlier in the year and have been going to a Chiropractor. I have been going for about two months now and am feeling great. I feel a million times better. No clue if its the chiropractor or just time but if your insurance covers it you may want to give it a try.


DB said...

Great to hear Mark is feeling better.


Barbara said...

Glad to hear Mark is improving. Bad backs are awful.

We just got back from Texas last night. It was great seeing everyone. I tried to comment from there, but the comments didn't post. I don't know why!

We're enjoying the blog and look forward to being more up to date with what's going on with you guys. My email updates have worked well, but I think I'll probably follow the trend and switch to a blog as well.

Love, Barbara