Ok, so here's the thing. Remember the truck that Mark bought in January? Well, he decided he didn't like it. He was honestly having alot of remorse for buying such an impractical vehicle when he has always been one who chastises others who have big honkin' SUV's when in reality they have no reason to own such a gas guzzler. He was beating himself up for compromising his principals. SO, after owning it for less than 60 days, we traded it in on a new car. We bought a Toyota Corolla S. It's silver and it gets really good mileage. He is now going to drive the Toyota Yaris that I bought last year and I will drive the Corolla.
Here is a picture of the new car from the Toyota website. Ours looks just like this with the exception of the sunroof.
1 comment:
Maybe he's getting out of the "cowboy" phase?
The new car looks nice. Hope you didn't lose too much money on the deal. Don't cars lose a lot of their value the minute you drive them off the lot?
Marlon has had his corolla for 10 years and we've been happy with it. We wouldn't drive the gas guzzling mini van (whose tank takes $60 to fill!) if we could get by with less.. but with kids, carpools, kids' friends, etc. we need the space!
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