Monday, August 13, 2007


Ok. So it's been a while since I posted. I'M SORRY! There has been alot going on around here.

Business is going well, both at the salon and at Keller Williams. I'm smack dab in the middle of their training program and i'm learning alot. I've gotten some pretty good leads and I hope they prove to be fruitful. Now that I'm only part time at the salon, money is pretty tight and I could use a few closings.

Speaking of which, I DO offer referral "gifts" to all of you out-of-towners (or local people) who send me good leads. I know there are alot of people moving to San Antonio from California who could use the name of a good agent... hint hint. I'm sure there are also lots moving from Houston.. hint hint hint. You should all be receiving note cards in the mail shortly with my business card inside.

On to other news.... Mark is moving up his school date. He was going to start in the spring, but he's decided to start taking classes this fall. He is volunteering at the public library by our house every weekend and he's really enjoying it.

The dogs are good. The house is good. Our friends are good. The movie Stardust is excellent, just in case you were wondering.

That's all for now. See y'all later.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

If I hear of anyone moving to San Antonio, I'll be sure to tell them to use the best realtor in the area -- you! :)

Glad things are good. Things are good here too, as you probably read in my update.