Saturday, April 18, 2009


Mark and I had a wonderful trip to California with my family. We went because our nephew Harrison was having his Bar Mitzvah. We stayed in Irvine, south of LA, and all the activities were really close by so it was really convenient with little driving in LA traffic.

We stayed a few extra days and went down to San Diego to visit the Wild Animal Park. We took our nephews and niece. As far as I can remember, it was the first time we've taken them out on our own. It's nice that they are finally at an age where we can do stuff together.

All the pictures from the San Diego Wild Animal Park are available on our Photo Gallery. I haven't yet sorted through all other pictures of the weekend, but I will try to get around to that ASAP. When you visit the Photo Gallery, If you see one that you want to keep you can easily download any picture. I'm also going to make a Sharing folder, so if you have some photos you think everyone else would like to see, you can upload them and share them with everyone else.

You can find a link to the Photo Gallery on the right hand side of this page.

That's all for now. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

the kids had an AWESOME time with just the two of you. they haven't stopped talking about it. thanks, again, so much for taking them. they want to know when the next time they can do something with just you two will be!

we're so glad that you were able to be here in california for the long weekend and be a part of everything.