Wednesday, January 3, 2007

A day with the doctor

Today wasn't the best. When we woke up, Mark's back was even worse than yesterday and he told me that he needed to see the doctor today. I called my boss at around 6:30am and told her I wouldn't be coming to work. Off we went to to see Dr. Leos. Luckily after having an x-ray and getting a thorough exam, she said that it wasn't anything in the spine itself, but he was having severe muscle spasms in the lower back which was causing extreme pain. He got a shot of Tordol which is a hard core muscle relaxer and he's taking some oral muscle relaxers and vicatin as well. He probably strained his lower back doing some new exercises at the gym, but who knows for sure.....

We got home from the doctor around 1 and he's been in bed ever since. He occasionally wants to get up and walk around and that requires me helping him in and out of bed. The fun part is when he needs to go potty and I have to help him with that also. I guess this is good training for when we're old and in a nursing home.

Tonight he seems somewhat better. He got up on his own and came into the living room to see what I was doing. Now he's back in bed watching tv. I hope he's better tomorrow because I need to get back to work and make some $$$.

Lets hope he's feeling better tomorrow.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

We are thinking of you Mark. And Darren would kill me if I posted that information about helping him go potty.