Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday excitement

I haven't posted anything new in over a week so i figured I had better write something. We had a very nice weekend. We saw two excellent movies. The first one is called Pan's Labyrinth. It is written and directed Guillermo Del Toro. That's Benicio's brother. It's an AWESOME movie. We highly recommend it. It's in Spanish with English subtitles. We also saw Notes On A Scandal. It was really good also. Miss Judy does a fantastic job as an obsessive old lesbo. If you have to choose, see Pan's Labyrinth. You wont see another one like this for a while!

We had a shed built in the back yard today. We went to Lowes and bought one of the ones they have displayed in the parking lot.... you've all seen them. The man showed up today at 6:30am ready to work. I figured that most of the pieces would be prefabricated - WRONG. He built the whole thing from scratch. He did, however, precut the lengths of wood so he didn't do any sawing.. just nailing. Lots and lots of nailing. This thing would have taken me 2 weeks to put together but he did it in 7 hours (without a break). It's huge. The new shed is bigger than our guest room. Plus it has a storage loft for rarely used items, and solar powered lighting. Fancy Shmancy. I'm going to build a work bench in there so I have a place to work on my little projects. Now we'll have an official guest bedroom instead of an indoor storage room. Next time the California Boarnets are in town, they can take turns sleeping over with us.

The next thing we have to do is paint it to match the house. Right now it's beige with white trim and dark brown shingles. The smaller shed we already had is sort of greenish-bluish. We're going to paint them both so they all match. I'll add pictures once all the painting is done.


Barbara said...

The shed sounds great. Congrats on getting it done so quickly. It hasn't even been a month since you first talked about it. We California Boarnets will be happy to take turns staying with you!

I'd post something inappropriate just so you could have fun censoring it, but I can't think of anything! :)

Our weekend was great - the best ever. The play the kids were in was fantastic and they did really, really good jobs in their roles. We're all still on quite a "high" from a week of tech rehearsals and a whole weekend of shows, but now it's time to return to normal.

Love, Barbara

Anonymous said...

I have a compressor and a spray gun if you want to use it to paint the shed (just like the pros)